09 June 2009


Dear SciFi Channel,

I love you. You have the greatest slate of programming on television and I'm seriously considering calling in for work this Saturday in order to watch Star Runners.

So why do I find wrestling whenever I switch to your channel this Tuesday night? I would say it is some sort of error on the part of my service provider, but your website supports that this is the programing you intended.

Unless they're on hoverboards with lasers, wrestlers do not belong on the SciFi channel. By the way, I would totally watch wrestlers on hoverboards (lasers optional). Just a thought.

Give me back monsters and space travel. Give me back time warps and genetic experiments. Give me back my SciFi channel!

Hugs and kisses,
The Heroine

[except the 'Hugs and Kisses' part, I did actually send this letter to the SciFi Channel. They never wrote back *sad face* ]


  1. Found your site via SBTB, and I love your comics on Johnny 505, but my latest gripe with the SciFI channel is their "new" name. SyFy. Lame. I know they are trying to stay cool and hip, but come on! Stupidest network name change evah.

  2. I would totally watch wrestlers on hoverboards, too. (And Becca is right--"SyFy" is lame.)
